Building  SUCCESS  Since  1977 

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Shaw Brothers began with two brothers, two employees, one backhoe and a handshake—and it began with the same principles that it lives by today: work hard, satisfy the customer, and respect the people you work with. Since then, we have grown into one of Southern Maine’s largest earthwork contractors, with more than 250 employees. At Shaw Brothers we operate as a family to achieve a common goal. When these values are foremost, everyone succeeds. It’s what makes you proud to be a part of our team. Apply to join the Shaw Brothers team.

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Environmental Commitment

At Shaw Brothers, we are dedicated to limiting our operational impact on the environment. We are continually assessing ways, large and small, to make a positive contribution. Through advancing technologies, Shaw Brothers is at forefront of implementing environmentally conscience solutions.

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Shaw Brothers has built a solar farm as part of the reclamation of an old gravel pit. Every year, this 17 acre, 3.2-megawatt array generates 4 million kilowatt-hours of electricity. This electricity generation covers all of Shaw Brothers usage including our shop, asphalt plant, both stationary crushers and return extra power back into the grid.

Environmental Commitment

Giving  Back 

From small deeds like clean up assistance for a neighbors burned barn to supporting numerous teams and charities, gifting the Town of Gorham an 8-acre park with a ballfield on the Presumpscot River, and establishing the Shaw Brothers Family Foundation, Shaw Brothers is proud to be a company with deep roots in the community.

Corporate Citizenship
Let's Get Started

Shaw Brothers has been one of CMP’s “Go To” Contractors for many years.

— Marc D. Geaumont, Portland Service Center Manager, Central M
